Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Time For a Change

I've been reading a lot about business lately: using social media to gain business, the importance of customer service, how to build communities, finding your target audience and so much more. After learning so much, I've come to the conclusion that I should just be myself and do what I'm passionate about, otherwise it's just not enjoyable. I know, it's common sense, but some things take quite a while to absorb into my brain ;).

I started this blog to give people information about a "crunchier" lifestyle - based on the products I offer. The problem is, I'm not terribly happy with some of my posts. Sure they're informative, but you can find that information anywhere. There are a lot of cloth diapering sites that will tell you all about caring for your diapers, what to choose and why they're so great to use. Why try to reinvent the wheel?

I've also been very careful in my wording and overly general so that I can reach as many people as possible - without offending anyone. But you know what, I don't really want to reach everyone and I don't just want to talk about cloth diapers and I'm sure some of the things I believe in offend some people. I know that lots of people think I'm crazy for having babies at home and breastfeeding them until their toddlers and using cloth diapers and chemical-free products - they tell me all the time :). I'm just so passionate about pregnancy and birth and breastfeeding; about good nutrition and herbal remedies. I'm passionate about baby wearing and creating close bonds. I believe that babies (and everyone else) deserve to use products that are not filled with harmful chemicals. And yes, all of these opinions are coming at you from a conservative Christian woman.

So what does all the "me, me, me" have to do with you? I know there are women out there like me and I want to connect with them. I know that I run an online store, but I think there should be more to it than just exchanging money for goods - you can do that anywhere. Relationships are important. Supporting each other in our "alternative" viewpoints is important.

I've been trying to go about this business the same way as everyone else and it hasn't been working for me. And I realized it's because I'm different! I'm not the same as everyone else - I'm weird. I don't have a huge inventory because I refuse to use credit cards. I like giving discounts. I really want to help you save money and I want you to use this stuff more than I want a profit. (Maybe I shouldn't be in business, after all ;)

What does all this rambling mean? It means things will be different. I'll be changing the store a bit and hopefully will be able to start offering some personal services soon. And I'll blog about things I'm passionate about - without the "super-careful, want to be all things to all people" language. If that's not ok, I apologize. If that's cool with you, great - leave comments, tell me about yourself - I want to get to know you.



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